
Joshua Ting
Interim President / Associate Professor of Practical Theology
Biola University, DMin in Church Growth (1996)
Expertise: Practical Theology
Advanced Preaching Method, Church Growth, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Disciple-Oriented Pastoring, Spiritual Formation
Ian Sun
Ian Sun, PhD
Institute of Christianity and Chinese Culture Director / Associate Professor of Historical Theology
Peking University, PhD in Philosophy (2001)
Expertise: Church History, History of Christian Thought, Spiritual Theology
Church History, History of Christian Thought, Spiritual Theology
Sherman Hsiung, PhD
Dean of Student Affairs / Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Arizona State University, PhD in Cognitive Psychology and Behavior Science (1993)
Expertise: Counseling, Marriage and Family, Conflict and Crisis Handling
Christian Counseling, Modern Pastoral Counseling, Family, and Marriage Counseling, Personal and Family Crisis Handling, Movie and Life, Biblical Views on Suffering and Death, Christian Counseling for Adults, Children and Parent Counseling, Conflict and Crisis Handling
Sarah Zhang, PhD
Steven and Faith Yiu Professor of Old Testament Studies
Princeton Theological Seminary, Ph.D. in Old Testament Studies (2012)
Expertise: Old Testament Studies, Theology of Psalms
Issues of OT Studies, Research and Methodology in OT, Pentateuch, Old Testament Historical Books, Studies in the Minor Prophets, Studies in Poetic & Wisdom Books, Biblical Hebrew
M.C. Leung, PhD Candidate
DMin Director, Leadership Program Director / Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Dallas Baptist University, PhD Candidate in Christian Leadership
Expertise: Leadership Studies
Theological Research Method, Methodology, Leadership Series, Ephisians
Deborah Wang
MACS Interim Director,MDiv Interim Director / Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Talbot School of Theology, formerly Cook School of Intercultural Studies, Biola University, PhD in Intercultural Education (2020)
Expertise: Spiritual Theology, Spiritual Formation and Soul Care
Spiritual Theology,Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, Spiritual Exercises, Marriage, Family and Spiritual Growth
Ezekiel Lo
Ezekiel Lo, PhD
Th.M. Director / Professor of New Testament
Edinburgh University, PhD in New Testament(1999)
Expertise: New Testament Studies
Hermeneutics, Studies in the Gospels, Studies in Revelation, Biblical Theology, The New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Biblical Greek
Richard L S Phua, PhD
Richard L S Phua, PhD
Associate Professor of New Testament
University of Glasgow, PhD in Theology and Religious Studies (2003)
Expertise: New Testament Studies
New Testament Studies
Leonard Sidharta
Leonard Sidharta, PhD
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Purdue University, PhD in Philosophy of Religion (2012)
Expertise: Systematic Theology, Apologetics, Philosophy
Systematic Theology, Apologetics, Logic & Critical Thinking, Christian Worldview
Shi-Min Lu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Fuller Theological Seminary, PhD in Intercultural Studies(2018)
Expertise: Missiology Studies
Introduction to Missiology, Theology of Mission, History of Global Christianity Movement 
Patricia Huang, PhD Candidate
Assistant Professor of New Testament
Fuller Theological Seminary, PhD Candidate in New Testament
Expertise: New Testament Studies
Studies in the Gospels, Study of Pauline Epistles, Studies in the General Epistles, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John, Studies in Hebrews, Studies in Revelation
Chun Ming Fong
Chun Ming Fong, PhD
Affiliated Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Westminster Theological Seminary, PhD in Theological and Historical Studies (1997)
Expertise: Systematic Theology, Apologetics
Systematic Theology
Esther Liu, PhD
Affiliated Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
Fuller Theological Seminary, PhD in Practical Theology (2017)
Expertise: Practical Theology
A Survey of Pastoral Studies, Pastoral Self-Care, Pastoral Counseling
David Hsu, ThM
Lecturer of New Testament
Fuller Theological Seminary, ThM (1990)
Expertise: NT Studies
NT Theology and Messages
Judy Lin, DMin
Lecturer of Practical Theology
Church Divinity School of the Pacific, DMin (2011)
Clinical Pastoral Care Reflection, Biblical Servant Leadership